Akoonu: Salesforce Apps for RevOps

Akoonu: Salesforce Apps for RevOps

Blog: Thoughts, Tips and Tricks

Use Fun(nel) Facts to Guide Your Messaging

Have you noticed B2B marketers now face a trio of overlapping models when considering what messaging to deliver?

Modern marketers are expected to be masters of messaging for the marketing funnel, the buyers’ journey and the sales pipeline. Yet, these all three represent the same thing – the path a prospective account takes to close a sale — it’s just each presents a different perspective.


So, when it comes time to develop or revise your messaging, it’s important to have clarity on how these different perspectives should be aligned to create messaging that will resonate with your buyers — from high level messages and benefits statements down to targeted messages per buyer and stage.

Consider these fun(nel) facts:

  • Top of the Funnel: Utilizing buyer personas in email campaigns glean 2x the open rate and 5x the click through rate. (Source: BrightTalk)
  • Middle of the Funnel: 20% increase in sales opportunities when leads are nurtured with targeted content. (Source: DemandGenReport)
  • Bottom of the Funnel: 71% of companies who exceed revenue and lead goals have documented Personas. (Source: Mad Marketer)

All these facts point to the same thing:  Messaging should be developed in the context of the buyers’ journey and applied in the marketing funnel in order to support advancing the sales pipeline. Taking this perspective will help you develop messaging that connects with your buyers and to apply it effectively in content, campaigns and sales tools that support your sales goals.